Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Prague, Czech Republic

Hello from Prague. We would greet you all in the Czech language, but the only term we know in Czech is Hlavni Nadrazi (main train station). We're only here for four days; it's just not worth the effort.
Prague, however, is worth the effort. It is the farthest east we go on our trip, and it has been great to be here. Prague is unlike the cities we've been to so far in that it is very old and very touristy. Now, our other stops have been old and have hosted throngs of tourists, but Prague has a different feel. People started settling this city before cities like Dublin and Edinburgh and it has a strong royal history with lots of old churches and elegant buildings. Prague wasn't touched by the war in the same way that Berlin was, so the majority of the buildings in the old town are around two hundred years old, some much much older. Also, if you want to get from Old Town Square, the main centre for people and pigeons, to Charles Bridge, the main and heavily tourist centred pedestrian bridge, you'd think that you could walk down a somewhat major street connecting these two significant pieces of the city. Not so. There are no direct routes in Old Prague. Not really any in New Prague either. Everything winds and jogs. Maps are essential. But it's fun. It adds to the great atmosphere of this city.

Old Town Square with the Tyn Cathedral

St. Nicolas' Church in Old Town Square

St. Nicolas' Church

The world famous astronomical clock. Above the clock are some doors where, every hour, the twelve apostles come out displaying their trinkets. It's not really anything special and kind of lame, but, like clockwork, every hour, from 9am to 9pm, hundreds of people will gather to watch the thirty second show. Tourists.

The hub of New Town - Wenceslas Square (of Christmas Carol fame). It's not really a square considering it's 750m long and only like 75m wide.

Mala Strana with Prague Castle in the back

Prague Castle's St. Victus Cathedral

Venice-like Mala Strana

St. Victus Cathedral, located in the Prague Castle grounds

St. Victus

Charles Bridge

Charles Bridge

What we like to do in Prague: walk for hours, just experiencing the character of the city; eat pork knees roasted in dark beer for supper; walk through Prague Castle and St. Victus Cathedral; and take way too many pictures of the different coloured, tightly packed buildings. Prague has been a great time. We've enjoyed our time here, but we are excited for Salzburg!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to Vienna after Prague....change of plans?
We love reading your blog and travelling with you....the pictures are great. Miss you guys!
Love Mom